Artists Who Inspire Me

The Dutch Masters, Including Rembrandt and Vermeer

Top Left: Young Woman with a Water Pitcher by Vermeer

Top Right: A Maid Asleep by Vermeer

Bottom Left: Man With a Magnifying Glass by Rembrandt

Bottom Right: Self Portrait by Rembrandt

I’ve been fascinated by and drawn to paintings by Dutch Masters like Vermeer and Rembrandt since I first saw their work in high school. I was drawn to their amazing talent and abilities to so perfectly paint people, but I also loved the strong attention to light and shadow and how it created a striking and moody feeling to the painting.

Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window by Vermeer

Vermeer’s ability to take a scene from everyday life and give it a sense of importance and elegance is inspiring. 

Left: The Courtyard of A House by Pieter de Hooch

Right: The Little Street by Vermeer

Apart from the portraitists in this group of artists I also admire the landscapes that were created. No matter if the setting is a field with trees, a cityscape with buildings and people, or otherwise, the artists were exploring similar ideas of light, composition, and daily life. I think the fascination with depicting your everyday life has existed across all time in art, and it's something that never ceases to be captivating to look at.

Time Lapse Painting

If you follow my Instagram you will have seen that I posted a little section of a recently finished painting of mine. For this painting I wanted to also record myself in a time lapse video to show the painting as it progressed.

Watching the video was fascinating, even for myself. I enjoyed seeing how the painting progressed, seeing how I made choices with what to do next, but I also realized as I was working on it that I could never quite forget that I was recording myself, and it definitely made me more conscious of each move I made.

The video is around 14 minutes long, so grab a cup of tea and sit down to watch.

Strawberry Parfait

I think that Japanese style desserts are known for their visual appeal. Parfaits in particular are always very cute, and look delicious. This was one of my most eagerly anticipated recipe adventures, and I look forward to sharing the recipe with you! My version is actually pretty healthy, all things considered, so this could be a dessert you could have more than just once in a while.


Gintama is one of my favorite anime. It is adapted from a manga created by Hideaki Sorachi. It is a comedy set in an alternate universe version of Edo-era Japan. The series centers around a man named Sakata Gin, who is a former samurai who is taking on odd jobs to make ends meet. He's not very motivated, and often fails to pay his bills on time. The other two main characters are Shinpachi Shimura and an alien race girl named Kagura. Together they work to solve the problems of the locals. 

The thing I love about this series is that it perfectly blends comedy and drama. Most of the show is comedy. There is a lot of farce and silly humor, but then after a purely silly arc you will get an arc that really brings out the characters and leaves you on the edge of your seat, wondering what is going to happen next. You get really invested in the characters and care about what is going to happen to them. I look forward to seeing where this series goes in the future. You can watch it on Crunchyroll if you are interested in checking it out yourself.


One of Gin's quirks is that he is addicted to sweets. He is often eating parfaits, strawberry milk, and desserts. I thought that creating a dessert in homage to Gin was a no-brainer for this blog series. 

Strawberry Parfait

2 Servings


3 Bananas, cut into chunks and frozen in the freezer

1/2 C. frozen strawberries

2 T. cocoa powder

1 T. Maple Syrup

Wafer Cookies (I veganized this recipe, but feel free to use your favorite vanilla cookies from the store)

Waffle Cookies (I veganized this recipe, but feel free to use any decorative cookie you like best)

Strawberry Preserves

Vegan Whipped Cream

Chocolate Chips, melted

Maraschino Cherries



1. Take the bananas out of the freezer. You are going to make three flavors of banana ice cream, so make sure that each batch has roughly the same amount of frozen banana. 


2. Start with the plain flavor. Pour one banana into the bowl of a food processor (it should be one that can handle chopping frozen bananas. Lightweight ones may literally jump around on the counter because the bananas can get very hard, and the blades don't like chopping through foods that frozen). Put the lid on and blend until the banana becomes smooth like the photo below. You may have to stop frequently, and using a spatula scrape the sides of the bowl so that everything is blended. If you need to you can add a tablespoon or more of non-dairy milk to smooth out the mixture, but you likely will not have to if your processor is powerful enough.


3. Place the plain banana mix in a bowl and put it in the freezer until the end, so that it does not melt.

4. Next we will do the berry flavor. Place another banana in the bowl of the food processor as well as the frozen berries. Put the lid on and process until smooth. Once smooth, put the mixture into another bowl in the freezer.

5. Last is the chocolate layer. Put your last banana in the food processor as well as 1-2 T. of cocoa powder. Blend until smooth. At this point taste the mix, and if it is too bitter add the tablespoon of maple syrup and blend to combine. Place in the freezer and move on to the cookie layer. 

6. Take your wafer cookies out of the package. You will need approximately three. Place them in a ziploc bag and using a rolling pin or something strong, smash them into bits {this is where you can get out any frustrations you may have ;)}.

7. Take the jar of preserves and spoon out approximately 2-3 Tablespoons worth. I added a little bit of water and stirred it up to make it thinner and more spreadable.

Time to assemble the parfaits!

8. Take two parfait glasses or wide cups that can hold approximately 2 C. of filling.

9. Divide the chocolate layer between the two cups. 

10. Divide the crushed cookies between both cups and place on top of the chocolate ice cream.

11. Divide the berry ice cream between both cups and place on top of the cookie crumbs.

12. Divide the Strawberry preserves amongst both cups and place on top of the berry ice cream.

13. Put the plain banana ice cream on top last.


14. Top with a dollop of whipped cream, and to either side put one of the waffle cookies and a wafer cookie. Then drizzle on some more thinned preserves. Top that with the melted chocolate and a cherry on top. 


Voila! You have a delicious and relatively healthy dessert. I think that Gin would appreciate, and I hope you try it out and enjoy it yourself!

Embroidering Again

Crafts have always been around and were encouraged ever since I was a child. My family is full of creatives, whether it is art in the form of quilting, sewing, Watercolor painting, Craft painting, music, woodworking, or gardening, among so many others. It was not hard to find inspiration and encouragement when it came to expressing myself through art, no matter what medium I decided to try that day. 

I knew at a very young age that I found the most pleasure in drawing and painting, but I always enjoyed trying my hand at many of the other mediums, and that included embroidering and cross-stitch. 

After junior high, when I was more into cross-stitch, I didn't revisit stitching until 2010 when I started working at a local needlepoint shop here in Philadelphia. I worked there from 2010 until 2016. Working in retail has its struggles, but I did discover that I do still enjoy stitching, particularly embroidery. To me, embroidery is a very easy transition from painting. You are pretty much drawing and painting in thread. 

I haven't designed my own patterns yet, but I have worked from some I found in books or purchased transfer patterns for. 

Recently when I decided to start making food from my favorite anime I decided that I wanted to finally embroider some napkins. These will officially be used in a future blog post (you'll have to come back to see what recipe I feature them with), but I thought it would be fun to post these finished pieces here to show the other kinds of art I enjoy pursuing when I'm not painting and drawing on paper.


I got these patterns from a Japanese embroidery book I bought at Kinokuniya in NYC. It is by Yumiko Higuchi, whose website you can see here. These were quick and fun little projects, a couple of them taking only a couple hours to finish. I definitely plan on doing more projects from this book.  


Another project I finished a few weeks ago is one that I have been working on for over a year. I haven't spent a lot of time on it though, since I've been more preoccupied with painting, but when I finished the napkins I knew that I needed to finish this one before I start any other embroidery projects. 


This project is made from a Sublime Stitching design. I love Sublime Stitching's designs. They are all contemporary designs, and are great for encouraging younger stitchers to get into the craft. Definitely check out their website. There are lots of designs, many of which you can purchase PDFs of to download to your computer instead of purchasing the physical copy (if you don't want to wait for it to come in the mail to get started on your next project), and they even sell stitching supplies and threads too!  I can attest that their stitching accessories are super cute! 

I plan on getting a cute little frame to hang this up on my wall by the front door. It is the perfect entryway piece for my apartment.

When I purchased the pack of grey handkerchiefs I also purchased a pack of white ones too, and I have been debating what I want to stitch on them. I have another idea for a future recipe post that I may incorporate into this project....check back later to see what I come up with.

If you have any favorite embroiderers or pattern companies you like to use let me know! I am always interested in finding new inspiration for my crafting projects. :)